We got to tour the neighborhoods and squares surrounding the house, along with a nearby cemetery. It was really cool. Then around midnight, we were inside the Old Sorrel Weed House listening to our guide recounting historical tales from long ago that happened at that very spot.
Of course, I was taking a lot of pictures, trying to capture some sort of proof that this place was haunted. In many of my pictures, there are "orbs". Now, I used to be a believer that all orbs in pictures were spirits; however, I have since become skeptical of these orbs and now believe that they are simply dust or dirt in the air that are reflecting the flash of my camera. However, I still cannot explain why, if they are dust, they aren't in every picture that I took.
As I was looking through my pictures, I was surprised to see a different kind of "orb". These orbs are not perfectly round, as the "dust" orbs are. They are oddly shaped and seem to be emitting their own light...they are glowing a bluish green color. I really cannot explain these types of orbs. TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) has said in the past that orbs that are NOT perfectly round and seem to emit their own light may, in fact, be balls of energy generated by spirits.
I am still not sure what to think...I am still skeptical, although I desperately want to believe that spirits are there and will show themselves when they want to be seen. I guess I will just have to wait until I have that one personal experience that makes me a true believer.
Picture #1: This picture was taken in a pitch dark basement. The blue light in the upper left corner of the picture seems strange to me and doesn't look like other "dust-like" orbs. At this spot, people have claimed to have been touched by something unseen.