Thursday, March 19, 2009

Girls and Little Boys Day Out!!

A few weeks ago, Cameron and Parker took the girls (my mom, my sister and I) out to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.
It was our first time there and we were amazed as we walked in to see the display case full of every type of cheesecake you could ever imagine!! I wasn't planning on eating any cheesecake, but how could I resist the temptation that was staring me in the face...calling my name..."Kimi, you know you want to have just one little piece of one of us!" So, I gave in and took a "little" piece of the banana cheesecake home. I couldn't have possibly eaten it after the ginormous navajo chicken sandwich I had just eaten! DELICIOUS!!
The boys were being cute and having fun. It was a great day out!


  1. MMMMMMMMmm I love the Cheesecake Factory! I ate there while I was in Palm Springs! It is delish and the cheesecakes are divine! It looks like you guys had lots of fun! Cute pictures!

  2. How fun. I really am tempted now to go out an get me a piece of cheesecake ive never been to the cheesecake factory so i think ill have to try it.
